It’s a Movie (In My Mind) (2015-ongoing)

Digital photographs and projections, varied sizes.

This series of fake film stills, “It’s a movie (in my mind),” was born in 2015 to promote my first book of poetry, The Women Widowed to Themselves. Urged by my publisher to post on social media about the book once a week, and bored of sharing the same promotional graphics, I designed these fake film stills by putting lines of poetry from my book on top of my photographs. The series has since grown into a way for me to juxtapose images of the everyday with disembodied text. The mundane is clouded with the cinematic and poetic. Strangers online have commented on these images asking which movie they are stills from. The answer is, It’s a movie in my mind. It plays on and on in the background of my head. This is an urging to see the filmic quality in the day to day, and to consider how you, the viewer, are caught in your own sort of movie.